Interior as Landscape:
drawing and painting domestic settings in the spirit of landscape
Tutor: Kittie Jones
Equivalent to 5+ days studio time
Fee: £200
Course code: KJ #4 IAL
Course introduction and information:

Interior as Landscape introduction video
'For me, painting – and perhaps even more drawing - has something to do with finding out, about discovering, about
understanding, about trying to explain – about distilling the essence and meaning and magic from the source material.'
Frances Walker
This course will give you six structured sessions that allow you to explore different ways of approaching the domestic setting as if it were a dynamic landscape. The sessions are made up of different exercises and approaches to encourage you to look with fresh eyes at the familiar.
You will be encouraged to work hard and push the boundaries of representation as the course goes on - enjoy!

During the course we will:
● Familiarise ourselves with the subject of the domestic setting using hand-folded sketchbooks
● Explore different viewpoints and play with scale
● Experiment with light and mark-making to evoke a constantly shifting view
● Work with a variety of materials to create a range of diverse responses to the subject
● Culminate with substantial mixed media drawings that show a deep understanding of the subject whilst remaining playful in terms of format and approach
You can easily achieve this at the kitchen table, or if you have a larger space you can take the ideas on to make bigger drawings, I look forward to seeing the results!

Materials / Equipment required
2 x A1 or A2 Cartridge Paper (ideally 250gsm or other good quality drawing paper)
Ballpoint pen
Felt tip pen
Graphite pencil
Charcoal pencil
Coloured pencils
Coloured chalk pastels - including white
Paint (acrylic, gouache)
Black Indian ink
Paint brushes
Soft brushes - med to small for ink
Water pot
Palette or old plate
2 containers for ink (aerosol can lids form hairspray etc are good pots for ink)
Compressed charcoal
Scalpel for sharpening pencils
Hairspray or fixative
Drawing board
Bulldog clips

What you get on this course:
Introduction video
2 Slide talks to reference artists for inspiration
6 sessions - step by step instructions
Video demonstrations for each session
Materials list
Top Tips and practical information
Suitable for all abilities and experience levels
Course can be adapted for use in a limited space or studio
Offers small and large scale working practices
Designated private Facebook group for group feedback