Layered Colour in Print:
combining relief and monotype to make lively full colour prints
Tutor: Kittie Jones
Equivalent to 3+ days studio time
Fee: £150
Course code: KJ #5 LCP
Course introduction and information:

Layered Colour in Print Intro
“In the diverse and complex world of artists’ prints, I have tried to keep three or perhaps four qualities paramount. These are design, colour, draughtsmanship, together with an awareness of the disciplines of autographic printmaking. A lithograph should not be a reproduction of anything else, but must exemplify the textures and qualities inherent in stone and plate; a block print should demonstrate by its “cutty” qualities the resistance of wood and lino to the gouge, the knife and the graver. It should not imitate drawing or painting, and the printed image is the Original”
Robert Tavener
This course serves as an excellent introduction to printmaking without a press. Students will explore ways of working in layers whilst being introduced to both graphic and painterly approaches to print.
Kittie Jones has devised a very accessible method of achieving a set of prints which are unique, colourful and richly layered all at the kitchen table or a home studio.
Students will need a roller, printmaking inks in the following colours – red, yellow, blue, black, a sheet of lino and a shiny surface to monotype onto (clear perspex is ideal, softcut plates work well too).
Print is a great way to create multiple images but it also presents different challenges to any artist. It therefore acts not only as an art form in its own right but can be a great addition to a drawing and painting practice.

The course offers:
● A comprehensive introduction to creating and carving a design into traditional lino
● How to successfully hand-print a single-colour linocut print at the kitchen table
● Planning, preparing and creating multi-coloured monotypes at home
● How to take the key-block linocut over the top of the coloured monotypes to create richly layered and textured small scale prints
You can easily achieve this at the kitchen table with the minimal of equipment, I look forward to seeing the results!

Materials / Equipment required
*Special Purchase bundle from Hawthorn Printmakers
1 x A5 sheet of traditional lino (or softcut)
1 x A4 sheet of clear perspex (or softcut)
1 set of lino tools – I recommend the Abig set
1 roller – I recommend Hawthorn student quality- soft
Stay open printmaking ink in Black, Red, Yellow and Blue
Wooden spoon
Drawing pencil
Sharpie or permanent marker
Old paintbrush
Non-slip carpet underlay or non-slip shelf liner
Tracing paper
Plenty of A4 paper - lightweight
Squared paper
"Fluff" free rags - old sheeting or old t-shirts are great
Vegetable oil and solvent for clear up
What you get on this course:
Introduction video
5x sessions with step by step instructions
8x video demonstrations
Materials and suppliers list
Top Tips and practical information
Suitable for all abilities and experience levels
Course can be adapted for use in a limited space or studio
Designated private Facebook group for group feedback