Expressive Drawing with Colour II
Tutor: Kittie Jones
Equivalent to 2 day studio time
Fee: £80
Course code: KF #3 EDC II
Course introduction and information:

Expressive Drawing with Colour II intro video
This course is the equivalent of two day’s work - each of the four sessions should take approximately two hours and thirty minutes to complete. The course will continue to develop the skills learnt on Expressive Drawing with Colour , but can also be taken as a stand alone course.
"I take something - a colour, say yellow - merely a name, an inert motion - but if you put yellow with other colours in different proportions and positions, it starts to show a certain potential. It may appear lighter or darker, expand, flow into other colours, changing them. It could glow or recede and none of this behaviour you would know until you try. So right at the beginning I think - well, just see what yellow can do." Bridget Riley
Are you interested in different ways of working with pastel? Are you excited by the potential for working with colour expressively? This course covers a range of approaches to working with pastels in order to create lively drawings inspired by the colourful objects you have around your house. Kittie will introduce you to ways of working that allow for both an immediate response to colour and a more considered approach.
Designed to talk you through working with colour from the simplest of starting points in a sketchbook to giving you the confidence and instruction for a more personal, expressive language to develop.
This course can be completed at the kitchen table, or if you have a larger space you can take the ideas on to make bigger drawings and each session can be done at the student’s own pace. There are lots of hints and tips about new ways to think about drawing with colour which we hope will enable students to take on into their own practice, whether they are at the beginning of their creative journey or needing some fresh input.
During the course we will:
● Build colour on top of a neutrally coloured background
● Use colour and line to work on top of a bright surface
● Change the light on the still life and see how that changes the colour
Materials / Equipment required
For this course you will need:
A sketchbook – any size
Approximately six A4 sheets of cartridge paper. (They should be pre-painted - three in a neutral colour; and the other three in a bright colour instructions for this are in the course material).
Soft pastels and colouring pencils in these colours: cool yellow, warm yellow, cool red, warm red, cool blue, warm blue, white.
White pastel
Fixative or hairspray
An extra light source

What you get on this course:
Learn how to work 3 more ways with soft pastels
Introduction video
Step by step session worksheets
Video demonstrations for each stage
Materials list
Suitable for all abilities
Course can be adapted for use in a limited space or studio
Offers small and large scale working practices
Designated Facebook group for group community